Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
I know how to take care of myself, okay? Trust me, I'm pretty good at it by now.
~ Cassie Lang acting jerkish towards Scott Lang.
That’s exactly why no one likes you, you know. Well, I’m sorry. You haven’t even realized that people don’t like you, then?
~ Shinobu’s most famous line.

Near Pure Goods who have (or had) some moments of jerkish behavior. But unlike anti-heroic jerks, these characters only have a small dose of showing disrespect (e.g. being cheeky or smart-alecky traits) since they come close to Pure Good, and Pure Goods cannot be jerks (nor egomaniacs).

NOTE: A Near Pure Good having occasional rude moments that prevent them from being Pure Good is not always enough to qualify (e.g. Marlin, Rey, Bubbles, Professor Utonium, Sonic the Hedgehog (Films), Soos Ramirez, Fear, Jim Hawkins, and Mike) as they have to have higher moments to qualify as minor jerks.

Their opposites are Lacking Affably Evil villains.

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