Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Proposal(s) to vote on:

  1. Needs More Votes: Queen Adelaide from Tales of a Kingdom - Ends February 7
  2. Needs More Votes: Sparrow Moon from The Worm - Ends February 8
  3. Needs More Votes: Bishop from Alien 2 - Ends February 8
  4. Belka from Space Dogs - Ends February 7

Removal(s) to vote on:

No removals at the moment.


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
I'll probably be on this floating island forever, guarding the Master Emerald again. I may not know the whole story behind this, but perhaps it's better that way. I'm at peace once more.
~ Knuckles on his role as guardian

Near Pure Goods who are in charge of protecting or taking care of something specifically. They guard locations quite often. However, these Near Pure Goods work as guardians for other characters as well.

All items (171)
