Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Proposal(s) to vote on:

  1. Needs More Votes: Queen Adelaide from Tales of a Kingdom - Ends February 9
  2. Needs More Votes: Sparrow Moon from The Worm - Ends February 8
  3. Needs More Votes: Bishop from Alien 2 - Ends February 8
  4. Needs More Votes: Belka from Space Dogs - Ends February 9

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Asta: Even if you’re poor, a commoner and an orphan, you can still become the Wizard King.
Yuno: You really think so?
Asta: Yeah.
Yuno: Commoners, orphans?
Asta: Anybody can do it as long as they’re willing to work hard.
~ Asta to Yuno.
You’re a wizard, Harry.
~ Hagrid’s most famous quote to Harry Potter about his true heritage.
It started when an alien device did what it did, and stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid, and he’s got superpowers, he’s no ordinary kid, he’s Ben 10.
~ Ben 10’s Original Theme Song outlining his origin

These are characters who started off as being normal citizens but later on not only did they become heroes but also became close to Pure Good. These characters used to be normal citizens either due to the fact that they didn't have any intention to be a hero or they were too weak to fight as a hero. Later, these characters gain power and skill to help them fight as a Near Pure Good and ended up being a true hero in the eyes of other characters. Their opposites are those who began as normal citizens but later became Near Pure Evils.

All items (154)
