Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Proposal(s) to vote on:

  1. Needs More Votes: Queen Adelaide from Tales of a Kingdom - Ends February 7
  2. Needs More Votes: Sparrow Moon from The Worm - Ends February 8
  3. Needs More Votes: Bishop from Alien 2 - Ends February 8
  4. Belka from Space Dogs - Ends February 7

Removal(s) to vote on:

No removals at the moment.


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Fictionalized near pure goods are those who are based on a real person. However they are magnified fictionalized. These near pure goods can kind of be the fictional version of the real people.

Note: Do not put characters who ere entirely fictionalized and who were inspired by person in real life and plus this category is merely for near pure good who are literally with true historical state of existing.

All items (19)
