This category is about Near Pure Good heroes who are Failure-Intolerant which means that they have almost no tolerance to failure that comes from their allies. They dislike it when their allies fail them, and if they do, these heroes could end up either getting upset, warning them or even punishing them. However unlike typical Failure-Intolerant heroes who are less than Near Pure Good, these characters keep their cool to the best of their abilities and can give them more chances or feel some remorse. They are also less violent than Failure-Intolerant heroes who aren't close to Pure Good, for example: Anti-heroes who are Failure-Intolerant, though not all Failure-Intolerant anti-heroes and other heroes who are less than Near Pure Good are violent when people fail them.
In short, these heroes dislike failure and this may or may not give them small corrupting qualities.
Lightning McQueen -
Thor Odinson (Marvel Cinematic Universe) -
Alex (Madagascar) -
Elita-1 (Transformers One) -
Piccolo -
Subaru Natsuki -
Wallace -
Sunset Shimmer
All items (109)