Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Hello? Somebody! Anybody! Please let me out! What did he say? What did he say? (gets an idea on how to escape) I gonna wreck-it! Oh, why do I fix everything I touch?!
~ Fix-It Felix held prisoner by Sour Bill.
Oh, hey Gru! Turns out you were right about the whole "El Macho" thing, huh-huh? Yay...
~ Lucy Wilde upon having been revealed to have been captured by El Macho.
Starfire! Raven! Help!
~ Cyborg, Beast Boy and Robin crying out to Starfire and Raven after being turned into puppets.

These are Near Pure Goods who get kidnapped or are in a situation that is risky and they need rescuing.

The situations they could end in are:

  • Being in a really risky area and situation which another hero needs to help them out.
  • Being in a time when they end up in risk and need to free themselves.
  • Getting locked or trapped and are able to end up being under some spells.
  • Having many times that they find themselves in moments which they have to be saved.
  • Getting brainwashed or possessed by a heinous character.

Damsels by Types[]

Damsels in Distress[]

Female Near Pure Goods who are damsels are also known as distressed damsels or female damsels.

Male Damsels[]

Male Near Pure Goods who are damsels and are also known as distressed dudes.

All items (296)
