Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Even if I'm good, I'm still bad.
~ Blackarachnia

Blackarachnia is one of the main characters in the Beasts Era of the Transformers: Generation One franchise, serving as a major protagonist in Beast Wars and one of the two tritagonists of Beast Machines.

She was one of the Axalon's protoforms brainwashed by Tarantulas into being a Predacon. Despite this, she overcomes her brainwashing and redeems herself thanks to her lover Silverbolt and joins the Maximals, proving pivotal to helping them win the Beast Wars and stop Megatron once and for all.

She was voiced by Venus Terzo.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • Despite initially being a Predacon and villain, that was due to shell programming forced onto her by Tarantulas, and she ends up subverting nearly all her corrupting qualities.
    • Additionally, she was the only one of the brainwashed Maximal protoforms to redeem herself, demonstrating her strength of will and inner Maximal goodness.

Beast Wars[]

  • She played an equal role with Primal in saving the universe/timestream from Megatron by kicking Megatron out the Ark and stabilizing Optimus Prime, stopping the timestorm and allowing Primal to come in to preserve Prime's spark until his body was repaired.
  • She chose to risk her life to save two protohuman children and even take a shot from Tarantulas despite having the perfect opportunity to abandon them to save her own skin.
  • She and Silverbolt defeated Dinobot II.
  • She saved Silverbolt from Rampage in her new Transmetal II body.
  • She freed Optimus Primal from Quickstrike's control.
  • She saved history yet again by stopping Tarantulas from destroying the Ark.
  • She freed all her Maximal comrades so they could all save Primal from a Transmetal II Megatron.

Beast Machines[]

  • She and Cheetor pulled out an enraged Primal to retreat after they all discovered Megatron had conquered Cybertron and created the Vehicon army.
  • She restored the team's memories of Rhinox and Silverbolt.
  • She and Thrust agreed to a truce when they were temporarily separated from the main battle.
  • She figured out Thrust was Waspinator and Jetstorm was Silverbolt.
  • She negotiated a truce with the remaining Vehicon Generals after Megatron and Optimus' seeming deaths.
  • She helped convince Optimus to come back to life with the other Maximals.
  • She freed Silverbolt from Megatron's brainwashing and refused to give up on him despite him being a jaded jerk now.
  • She convinced Silverbolt to help rescue Optimus Primal and Cheetor.
  • She defended Cheetor as a capable leader when Silverbolt viewed him as just the same kid from Beast Wars.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • She can still be a jerk to her teammates from time to time, especially towards Rattrap.


  • She and Silverbolt are the first Transformers NPGs and the only ones from the Beast Wars era.

External Links[]


           Transformers-Logo Near Pure Goods

Television Series
Beast Wars/Beast Machines
Silverbolt | Blackarachnia

Aligned Continuity
Arcee | Ratchet | Alpha Trion

Original Continuity Films
Bumblebee | Ironhide | Sam Witwicky | Cade Yeager

Rebooted Continuity Films
Optimus Prime | Mirage

Transformers One
Elita-1 | Bumblebee | Primus

Other Media
Prime Wars Trilogy
Optimus Primal
