Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

(Pokémon name), I choose you!
~ Ash's first words of the anime as well as his catchphrase.

Ash Ketchum is the main protagonist of the first 25 seasons of the Pokémon anime.

He is a 10-year-old boy who has a wish to become a Pokémon Master, but in order to accomplish his goals and be a genuine success, he needs a starter Pokémon who serves as his sidekick; a yellow mouse-like Pokémon named Pikachu, who always accompanies Ash on his adventures and battles. Ash's mother is Delia Ketchum, but his father has not yet been seen in the series.

He is voiced by Rica Matsumoto, and was originally voiced by Veronica Taylor in the 4Kids English version in the first 8 seasons (between Seasons 1 and 8) and is currently voiced by Sarah Natochenny in the TPCi English version as of Season 9 after the latter passed her role.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • He sacrificed himself to save Pikachu not caring that he might die.
  • No matter what journey Ash was on, he never gave up and also kept persisting in order to save those and the world from harm.
  • He also inspired others to not give up and never let their challenging obstacles overcome their dreams.
  • Despite harboring some hostility towards his rivals, he does develop some respect for them later on.
  • For the most part, he managed to put a stop on Team Rocket's thieving plans in stealing Pokémon throughout the hundreds of times they have encountered each other.
  • Though he blasts Team Rocket off many times, this is self-defense as they were trying to attack him and steal his Pokémon, so it's justified.
  • He showed remorse for Team Rocket when they seemingly drowned despite them trying to kidnap his Pokémon many times.
  • He is willing to work with Team Rocket for the greater good.
  • Despite Meowth betraying him in the Nimbasa arc, Ash forgives him and tells him he still enjoyed travelling with him.
  • He helped N foil the plans of Ghetsis and Team Plasma.
  • When Pikachu fell from Prism Tower, Ash bravely tried to give his life to save him.
  • He saved the world from Lysandre.
  • When Guzma kept telling him to give up, he refused to give up until the battle was over.
  • He and Goh saved the Galar region from Eternatus.
  • He is nice to his Pokémon and cares for them, always thanking them for helping him.
  • While he started off as an arrogant, rude, sore loser and could be vengeful at times, he gradually overcame it as the series continued and shredded a majority of his corrupting factors.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He tends to overreact quite a lot, which can be annoying to some of his friends.
  • Despite shedding his corrupting qualities, he still has some moments where he can be a jerk and arrogant, occasionally getting angry for no good reason as well.


  • He is one of the background icons of the Near Pure Good Wiki.

External Links[]


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Ash Ketchum | Ash's Pikachu | Misty | Cynthia

The Second Coming | Marill | Shrimp | Milk

See Also
Nintendo Near Pure Goods
