“ | Respect your elders | „ |
~ Alpha Trion |
“ | I wish that I could meet you under better circumstances, Optimus Prime, but I fear that Iacon will not withstand the next Decepticon assault. If you are listening to this message then I take solice that you now posses the Star Saber. I am certain that you have deduced how these Cybertronian relics and Decepticon weapons came to be found on such a remote world. Indeed I transported them there not so much to keep them far from Megatron's hands, but to ensure that they reach yours. As you may have long suspected, the Covenant of Primus records events of the future as well as the past. My imperfect understanding of it's runes affords me a shadowy glimpse of what is to come. The Covenant's pages foretold that you Optimus Prime would journey to the small but significant planet, and there engage on a crucial chapter on the war against the Decepticons. I know neither the nature of the battle, nor it's outcome. I only hope that these relics of the ancients will aid the Autobots in your time of need. | „ |
~ Alpha Trion's pre-recorded message on the Star Saber |
Alpha Trion is a major protagonist in the Aligned continuity of the Transformers franchise, serving as the overarching protagonist of Transformers: Prime. He is one of the original Thirteen Primes and Optimus' mentor who also trained Smokescreen in the Elite Guard.
He was voiced by George Takei.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]
In General[]
- Despite most of his heroism being offscreen and only mentioned in passing in the TV Show, The Covenant of Primus gives us a much more in depth look at his backstory and how he helped build Cybertron's golden age.
- He was one of the original Thirteen Primes, playing a key role in the creation of Cybertronian Society and being responsible for the rise of future Primes after the death of the originals.
- He personally trained both Optimus and Smokescreen, serving as a great mentor and source of inspiration for them throughout the war. Given that Optimus became a Prime, and Smokescreen is considered by Optimus as the next one, it means that Alpha Trion is responsible for turning the two of them into the warriors they are today and makes him responsible for forging two great Autobot leaders.
- Despite all that his brother Megatronus did, he's never shown to hold him in ill regard (unlike others like Onyx) and sincerely hoped to peacefully resolve their conflict. He also shared his ideas of redemption with Optimus, who would strive to always see the good in others.
Covenant of Primus[]
- Upon being created as the third prime, he began to experiment with his powers and abilities in order to prepare for the battle with Unicron, as well as testing out artifacts and training with Quintus. Micronus, and Liege Maximo.
- He and the other Primes managed to successfully defeat Unicron the Chaos Bringer after Primus couldn't anymore and saved the entire universe from being consumed by the Anti-Spark, allowing for life to thrive in Cybertron and other planets.
- After the defeat of Unicron, the Thirteen began to rebuild Cybertron, each of them focusing on their own interests. Alpha Trion chose to focus on establishing law and order for future generations, working with Prima and Vector to establish a government for the Cybertronian civilization.
- When Megatronus and Solus revealed that they harbored romantic feelings for each other, he respected their relationship despite his initial surprise.
- When Quintus began conducting unethical experiments and hiding them from the others, he began to investigate underneath Cybertron for answers.
- After Megatronus was manipulated by Liege Maximo into killing Solus, he participated in a brawl between all of the remaining Primes to restablish order.
- After the battle ended, he treated Onyx's grievous injuries and was saddened by Maximo's death. He also helped build a tomb for Solus and began working to revitalize their planet.
- Both he and Alchemist would eventually retire from their roles as leaders of Cybertron, but would continue to help guide the Transformer civilizaiton after Onyx, Micronus, and Thirteen activated the Well of All Sparks, giving birth to the Cybertronian race.
- He went along with Prima's idea to keep T-Cogs and the concept of transformation as a secret from Cybertronians at first, fearing the repercussions such an ability could have in the hands of everyone.
- After Orion Pax was born, Trion began observing him and keeping track of his progress.
- After the Great Cataclysm, he decided to create the Hall of Records in Iacon and stay there to live.
- When the Golden Age ended, and Sentinel Zeta began to organize cybertronians under a caste system, Trion went to Vector Sigma to gain the Matrix of Leadership and use it to restore order to their society.
- When Vector Sigma refused to present the Matrix, he understood the decision and accepted Vector's badge to give as a gift to Sentinel Zeta
- When the badge met with Trion's covenant it created a pasasage that called for the reawakening of Thirteen, making Trion realize the time had come for a new Prime and that Orion Pax was the right choice. He was even the one who recommended that Orion become a Prime to the council.
- He began mentoring Orion and helped him understand the right ideals of a leader.
- After becoming a recluse in his Hall of Records, he monitored the planet's transmissions and became aware of the exploits of a gladiator named D-16.
- He encouraged Orion and D-16 (now renamed Megatronus) to become friends and intellectual sparring partners, with the hope that their friendship would lead to the prophecy being fulfilled as well as believing that Orion's noble ideas could temper Megatronus' growing aggresivity.
- He organized the council meeting during which the council would declare Orion as the next Prime.
- When the Great War began, he remained on Optimus' side and tried to temper the conflict in Iacon while also being assigned a bodyguard named Smokescreen.
- In order to keep the several artifacts that had previously belonged to him and the Thirteen out of the Decepticons' hands, he launched them all off planet in artificial meteors, sending them to the planet Earth as he had sensed that one day the war would be fought there.
- When the war reached its climax, he was one of the Autobots who refused to abandon the planet, even though most Cybertronians had already left.
- He remained with the Wreckers and Dinobots to continue fighting against Megatron's forces.
- He consulted with Optimus over his idea to launch the Allspark into space to get it out of Megatron’s reach.
Transformers: Prime[]
- He was a good mentor to Smokescreen who came to consider him as a great friend, and trusted him enough to tell him about the story of how Optimus became a Prime and his involvement in it.
- He pre-recorded a message within the Star Saber in order for Optimus to understand the importance of these relics and how to use them, giving the Autobots a major advantage during the war, as well as revealing the Omega Lock's location which would be ultimately used to restore life on Cybertron and allow future generations to be born
- He sent the Omega Keys to Earth to allow future Cybertronians to find them and unlock the Omega Lock.
- As he didn't have enough time to send the last key to Earth, in a last ditch effort, he knocked out Smokescreen and hid the key inside of him.
- He encrypted all the files regarding the relics so that no Decepticon hacker could ever unlock them, not even Soundwave.
- At some point, he transmitted an altered copy of the Covenant to Earth in order to allow humans to learn more about Cybertronian history and civilization.
- He remained behind on the Hall of Records and fought until his demise.
- His influence continued to guide both of his pupils throughout the war on Earth, and his ideas had Optimus try to redeem Megatron, an effort that would eventually prove possible, as Megatron redeemed himself after being freed from Unicron's control.
- When Optimus passed, Trion appeared to him and beckoned him to join the Allspark, as Smokescreen would be chosen by the Matrix to become the new Prime, assuring Optimus of the future of the Autobot cause.
- Despite his demise, in Robots in Disguise he would be blacklisted for supporting Optimus.
What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]
- When the war first began, he became a recluse in the Iacon Halls and refused to participate in the conflict despite Optimus calling out for his help, it wasn't until the ending days of the War that he began to become more involved.
- He is considerably reckless as he purposefully knocked out his protegé Smokescreen and framed it as a Decepticon attack just to put the final Omega Key inside of him without his knowledge, what's worse is he didn't inform him about it at any point, as such painting a giant target on his back (as it's shown that he knew both Autobots and Decepticons would decipher the final code for the last key) without his knowledge. It's because of this in the first place that the Decepticons obtained the final key, as Soundwave ambushed and captured Smokescreen without warning while he was off guard due to not knowing of his importance.
- He is a tad bit lethal as he engaged in a brawl with all the other Thirteen original Primes which resulted in Liege Maximo's death.
- He is the first of the original Thirteen to be NPG and the third one to be ranked after Liege Maximo who is PE and The Fallen who is PE in most adaptations and NPE in the Prime Wars Trilogy
- He likely wouldn't have been NPG if not for the Covenant, due to relying far too much on Fridge Brilliance and failing to Primus and both his students.
External Links[]
- Alpha Trion on the TFWiki.net
- Alpha Trion on the Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
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