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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

After all, to the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.
~ Dumbledore to Harry Potter about death, his most famous quote.
It is our choices, Harry, that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities.
~ Dumbledore to Harry Potter about choices.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is the overarching protagonist of the Wizarding World franchise, being the overarching protagonist of Harry Potter and the deuteragonist of Fantastic Beasts.

He was the Transfiguration Professor, and later Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Professor Dumbledore also served as Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot.

In the Harry Potter films, he is portrayed by the late Richard Harris in The Sorcerer's Stone and The Chamber of Secrets, whilst the late Michael Gambon portrayed him in the remaining films after Harris' death. In the Fantastic Beasts films, he is portrayed by Jude Law.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

In General/Background[]

  • He was one of the most supportive figures in Harry's adolescence. While he would sometimes make questionable decisions regarding Harry and choose to keep certain truths hidden from him, it was only done with the best intentions and to protect Harry. What's more, Harry loved Dumbledore and was deeply appreciative of everything he did for his sake, naming one of his children Albus to honor the former Hogwarts Headmaster.
  • He is wise, kind, calm, reasonable, friendly, funny, compassionate and lovable and extremely rarely lets his feelings get the better of him.
  • He discovered more than twelve different uses for dragon's blood, an achievement which helped the Wizarding world greatly.
  • He taught as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, helping hundreds of students in properly defending themselves against the dark arts.
  • When he met Tom Riddle and introduced him to the Wizarding world, he made the young boy return all of the belongings he'd stolen. Furthermore, despite seeing his power-hungry and cruel behavior, Dumbledore still gave Tom the benefit of the doubt and believed in his ability to become better, not telling the other teachers of his cruel nature.
  • He tried to do his best to vindicate Hagrid, not believing him to have been responsible for opening the Chamber of Secrets and attempting to prove his innocence.
  • While he failed to save Hagrid from being expelled, he did manage to have Hagrid saved from the worst (Azkaban) and managed to convince his fellow Hogwarts staff to allow Hagrid to live close to the school as a Gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys, and later even teacher in Magizoology.
  • He spent much of his time learning as much as he could about Voldemort to get a better understanding of him and prepare to counter his plans, which would prove to be extremely vital in stopping Voldemort.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald[]

  • He stands up to Torquil Travers and gives much-needed wisdom to Leta Lestrange.

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore[]

  • He saves Aurelius' life when Grindelwald tries to use the Killing Curse on him.

After The Secrets of Dumbledore[]

  • He defeated Gellert Grindelwald, who (while not as evil as Voldemort) was the most feared Dark Wizards in recent history before the much more sinister and evil Voldemort, even if it meant destroying the Blood pact he made with Gellert.
  • In the past, when Professor McGonagall was crying over her childhood love marring another woman, he comforted her and shared some of his own family past, which she greatly appreciated.
  • He refused to take the position of Minister of Magic, instead giving Cornelius Fudge advice during his tenure as Minister of Magic which would prove very helpful for Fudge's reputation.
  • When he became Headmaster, he allowed Remus Lupin to attend Hogwarts and keep his status as a werewolf a secret. He also built a secret passage which led to an isolated house, known as the Shrieking Shack, he built with multiple spells to help Remus with his monthly transformation.
  • He forbade Snape from telling anyone about Remus being a werewolf when he discovered the truth.
  • He refused to give Voldemort a job at Hogwarts, knowing he would use the position to manipulate the students or learn more about the ancient magic of the school.
  • He formed the Order of the Phoenix in order to combat Voldemort and the Death Eaters during the events of the First Wizarding War.
  • He hired Sybill Trelawney as a teacher at Hogwarts in order to protect her from the Death Eaters when she made a prophecy about Voldemort.
  • He was disgusted by Snape’s selfishness and willingness to let Voldemort kill James and Harry in exchange for Lily.
  • He listened to Snape, and allowed him in as a double agent for the Order, despite Snape's initial faults and status as a Death Eater. He would also defend Snape during a trial at the Ministry of Magic and ensured he wasn’t imprisoned in Azkaban.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone[]

  • After the murder of Harry's parents died, he took Harry to safety and gave a letter to Petunia Dursley telling her about the death of her sister and how it is her responsibility to take care of Harry. While the Dursleys were bad people, he asked the Dursleys to treat Harry as their own and was deeply disheartened and disgruntled to say the least when he got to know that the Dursleys did anything but that. Furthermore, he did this because the magical protection that had been created by Lily's sacrifice passed onto Petunia, meaning Harry would be protected from Voldemort while staying with the Dursleys.
  • He saved Harry and took him to the Hospital Wing after the confrontation with Quirrel-Voldemort.
  • He kept the Deathly Hallows (in this case, the Invisibility cloak, elder wand and only later, the resurrection stone) in safety and gifted Harry the Invisibility cloak.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets[]

  • He hired Gilderoy Lockhart in an attempt to have his incompetence as a wizard shown and be ousted as a fraud, as he’d tampered with the minds of several wizards to bolster his reputation.
  • He rewarded Harry, Ron and Hermione for their efforts in locating the Chamber of Secrets and saving the school from being closed instead of expelling them for breaking the rules.
  • He had Hagrid freed from Azkaban and decided to cancel exams as a treat for the students.
  • After Dobby was freed by Harry, Dumbledore hired Dobby to work at Hogwarts. He even offered to pay Dobby ten Galleons a week with the weekends off, though Dobby insisted only one Galleon a week and one day off per month.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban[]

  • He hired Remus Lupin as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, allowing him to hold a job which he'd been unable to get due to the anti-Werewolf legislation.
  • He was opposed to the Dementors being stationed at Hogwarts to search for Sirius Black, and when the Dementors attacked Harry during a Quidditch match, he saved Harry and warded the Dementors away with his Patronus.
  • After learning from Harry that Sirius was innocent, he told Hermione to use the Time-Turner, allowing her and Harry to successfully save both Sirius and Buckbeak.
  • When Harry expresses doubt and guilt over having spared Peter Pettigrew. Dumbledore insists that Harry made the right decision to show him mercy.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire[]

  • For the Triwizard Tournament, Dumbledore placed an Age Line around the Goblet to ensure that no underage students could put their names in and risk endangering their lives.
  • He reacted fairly calmly to Harry's name being put into the Goblet of Fire. He gave Harry the benefit of the doubt, and hoped that Harry could drop out alongside the other teachers only for the inconvenient truth that Goblet of Fire is a magical binding contract.
    • Infamously, in the film adaptation, he instead appears more angry, frightened and panic-stricken, to the point that Dumbledore manhandles Harry into a bunch of trophies in the Trophy Room and demands answers from him if Harry puts his name in the Goblet of Fire out of fear and concern.
  • When the Dark Mark began to reappear and Snape noted that Igor Karkaroff planned to flee, Dumbledore asked if Snape would join him. Snape refused, saying he was no such coward. Dumbledore agreed, noting that they sometimes sorted too soon, leaving Snape dumbstruck at Dumbledore's words of kindness.
  • When the truth about Hagrid's status as a half-giant was revealed to the world, Dumbledore came to Hagrid's hut to comfort him and convince him to not be needlessly ashamed of himself.
  • He saved Harry from being killed by Barty Crouch.
  • When his friends wanted to ask Harry about what happened at the graveyard, Dumbledore told them not to bother them and not force Harry to have to relive the painful experience again, to which Harry was incredibly grateful for.
  • He attempted to reason with Fudge and convince him to take immediate actions to stop Voldemort's rise to power, such as removing the Dementors from Azkaban and sending envoys to the Giants, which would've succeeded in stopping Voldemort's ascent had Fudge chosen to listen to him.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix[]

  • He recreated the Order of The Phoenix to fight Lord Voldemort all over again.
  • He attempted to convince the Wizarding World about the truth that Voldemort had returned, in spite of all the slander he was receiving and his many rewards and titles being stripped from him.
  • He insisted to Sirius and the rest of the Order that they treat Kreacher with kindness and respect, showing sympathy for the house elf. Had Sirius listened to Dumbledore, Kreacher likely would have never betrayed them by revealing Harry’s bond with Sirius to Narcissa or lie to Harry that Sirius was gone from his childhood home, and Sirius’ death could have been avoided. Even after Sirius died, Dumbledore still showed sympathy for Kreacher despite his actions inadvertently getting Sirius killed.
  • When Harry was brought to trial for using magic in front of a Muggle to protect Dudley from the Dementors, Dumbledore defended Harry and managed to successfully clear him of all charges.
  • He had Snape teach Harry Occlumency to try and protect Harry from his connection with Voldemort's mind.
  • After Umbridge fired Professor Trelawney and attempted to banish her from Hogwarts, Dumbledore intervened and reminded Dolores she didn't have the authority to banish professors from the grounds. He also hired Firenze, a new Divination teacher, to replace Trelawney so she could still remain at Hogwarts.
  • When Umbridge began violently shaking Marietta Edgecombe, Dumbledore immediately stopped Umbridge. Given this reaction, it’s very likely he would have never permitted Umbridge’s use of the Black Quill had he known about it.
  • When Dumbledore's Army was uncovered, he chose to take full blame for the organization despite not having known about it in order to save its members from punishment and expulsion.
  • When Minerva attempted to defend Dumbledore, he told her to stand down, reminding her that Hogwarts needed her.
  • He saved Harry and the others in the Ministry of Magic by combating Voldemort and apprehending the other Death Eaters.
  • He had Fudge remove Umbridge from her position at Hogwarts and for Hagrid to be pardoned so he could return to Hogwarts. He also disbanded the Inquisitorial squad and all of the decrees made by Umbridge.
  • He told Harry the whole story about the prophecy and the night his parents died, profusely apologizing for having ignored him during the year and for all the pain Harry was forced to endure, even shedding tears of grief.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince[]

  • He refused to allow Fudge to meet with Harry, knowing he was only interested in maintaining his position and not wanting to force Harry to lie to the Wizarding World, and did the same thing when Rufus Scrimgeour became Minister of Magic. This was a noble choice in the two's part as Ministry of Magic's recent actions proved it to be beyond saving due to unknowingly aligned to Voldemort and Death Eaters' beliefs than it let on hence its eventual easy takeover.
  • He found Marvalo Gaunt's ring, one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, and destroyed it.
  • As Snape created a potion to help counter the ring's curse, Dumbledore expressed sincere gratitude, noting that he was incredibly fortunate to have Snape as an ally.
  • When he retrieved Harry at the Dursley's house, he expressed cold fury at the way the Dursleys had disregarded his wishes to have Harry be treated as another son and instead shown him nothing but neglect and cruelty. While Vernon certainly too stubborn to listen and Petunia left mixed at worst, their son Dudley by contrast took what Dumbledore said to the heart hence one of reasons he made amends with Harry in the next book.
  • He gave Harry personal lessons, teaching him about Voldemort's past and giving him the knowledge he'd need to fight against Voldemort in the future.
  • When Harry talked about his conversation with Rufus Scrimgeour and how he'd asked if Harry was "Dumbledore's man", after Harry replied to Scrimgeour that he was, Dumbledore teared up, telling Harry he was very touched by his loyalty.
  • Though he was disappointed in Harry not taking his assignment to retrieve Slughorn’s memory more seriously, he did not scold or yell at Harry, and thanked Harry for sincerely apologizing.
  • When Harry was disregarding his ability to love serving as his greatest weapon against Voldemort, Dumbledore reminded him of how powerful his ability to love really was, noting how incorruptible Harry was despite all the pain and temptation he'd endured. He also reminded Harry that he was not bound by the prophecy, that he was his own person and that he should defeat Voldemort to avenge the deaths of those Voldemort killed, not because of the prophecy.
  • When Harry asked Dumbledore to accompany him to find the next Horcrux, Dumbledore agreed, stating that Harry had earned that right.
  • As Harry began casting blame on Snape for having told Voldemort about the prophecy, Dumbledore defended Snape and explained that Snape had changed since then and felt immense regret for his actions as a Death Eater.
  • When Harry asked if Dumbledore was going to leave Hogwarts while Malfoy and Snape were plotting something, Dumbledore silenced him, coldly noting that he had never once left Hogwarts unprotected and that he intended to place extra protections after they both left. This demonstrates how seriously Dumbledore took his role as Headmaster and how highly he valued the safety of his students.
  • He was willing to take great risks through drinking the Emerald Potion, the Potion that hid the fake Horcrux and caused horrible physical and emotional pain. After having drank the potion, he saved Harry from the army of Inferi.
  • He respectfully pleaded to Draco Malfoy to find another path and not to continue down the path he was already going by offering him help, even going so far by saying "You are no murderer/assassin" despite Draco's sins during the whole year.
  • He gave permission to Snape to kill him. While it was true that Dumbledore was going to die due to a curse, it was necessary to fool Voldemort in order to make said Dark Lord meet his downfall, plus saving Draco from becoming a murderer. Snape really didn't want to kill Dumbledore, but Albus assured him that it was the only way to gain Voldemort's complete trust.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[]

  • After his death, he gave Ron the Deluminator and Hermione his copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard. These items would be vital, as the Deluminator allowed Ron to find his way back to Harry and Hermione after having abandoned them, and the book allowed Hermione to learn about the Deathly Hallows.
  • When Dumbledore met Harry in limbo, he revealed everything about his past, his greatest guilts, and all of the secrets he kept. As he spoke, he cried profusely, expressing tremendous guilt over his past sins and even asked Harry if he was any different than Voldemort.
  • It is only thanks to the information Dumbledore gathered about Voldemort and his meticulous planning that Harry was successful in finding and destroying the Horcruxes and putting an end to Voldemort once and for all. Were it not for Dumbledore, Voldemort would've succeeded in taking over the Wizarding World.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • While he did it to reward Harry and his friends for their heroics, having Gryffindor win the house cup at the last minute when he had days to award the points was objectively unfair and inconsiderate not just to Slytherin, but also the other houses, embittering some of them towards Harry due to the timing.
  • His approach in ensuring Harry, Dumbledore's Army, and Order of the Phoenix's victory in Second Wizarding War proved to be morally reprehensible at times. Most notably, he opted not to warn the Order of the Phoenix that Severus Snape would give him a mercy killing to ensure the latter remained in Voldemort's grace at the cost of them distrusting and despising him. That said, Dumbledore was aware with this, hence one of reasons he wondered whether he was no different than Voldemort.
    • His decision to have Dursleys adopt Harry since Petunia is the sole Muggle relative to Lily is just as objectionable both in-universe and audience's eyes; Minerva McGonagall pointed out that Dursleys were too unpleasant for the job. That said, Dumbledore himself had no alternatives as Lily's sacrificial protection on Harry formed protective bond of blood charm that effectively made Petunia Harry's guardian up until the Boy Who Lived ready to fulfill his destiny as the sole mythical wizardkind capable of freeing Wizarding World and beyond from Lord Voldemort's evil once and for all.
    • Similarly, he chose to distance himself from Harry during the whole fifth year when The Boy Who Lived needed him most. Although he eventually regretted it as stated previously, Dumbledore ultimately accountable for Sirius' death as much as Kreacher, as he wasn't there to warn Harry about being cautious, let alone adviced him to check whether Sirius was in danger.

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