Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Silenzio Bruno
~ Alberto's most famous quote and catchphrase.
No! Stop! Just stay there. You’re still OK.
~ Alberto sacrificing his own safety to protect Luca from Ercole
Hey... you took me off that Island Luca. I am okay.
~ Alberto reassuring Luca on how much he has helped him while encouraging him to go to Genova's school

Alberto Scorfano is the deuteragonist of Pixar's 24th full-length animated feature film, Luca.

He is a young sea monster living on his own in an abandoned island, until he meets fellow sea monster, Luca Paguro. Due to both of their ambitious dreams, and Luca's own issues with his family, they get undercover in a nearby seashore town named Portorosso, where they plan to obtain a Vespa, something they view as a symbol of friendship. They team up with a human girl named Giulia to do this, wanting to gain a children's race in order to get the money for the Vespa, though they have to go up against multiple obstacles, such as a ruthless bully named Ercole, Luca's own family that is looking for him, and the ever present threat of being found out as sea monsters and hunted to death.

He was voiced by Jack Dylan Grazer.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • He reassures Luca after playing a prank on him, saying he is not a Land Monster.
  • He quickly befriended Luca, and while their relationship would show itself to have toxic sides, with Alberto being overly jealous and a control freak, it was still born out of an innocent wish of having a friend after so long, and they had a lot of geniune fun before their disagreements.
  • Once he knew Luca's family would be taking him into the deep, he made a plan to go to the nearby city of Portorosso and prevent this fate.
  • He helped with what he thought was correct, that being to make sure Luca and himself blend in while in town. While apparently minor, they would be hunted and killed on the spot if anyone knew of them as sea monsters, so his efforts are actually pretty important.
  • He tried to stop Ercole from dunking Luca in the fountain, as that would reveal his true form and likely result in his death.
  • He stood up to Ercole when he approached him and Luca menacingly in the night, trying to drive him away.
  • While it definitely wasn't addressed properly, Alberto had a point in how Luca wanting to go to Genova was a reckless idea, as he'd be feared and hunted by everyone, including Giulia, once they suddenly found out who he truly was.
  • He opens up to Luca about his father's true story, and asks him to go away. Even if he is angry with Luca, in this scene, he tells Luca he is a good boy, while Alberto is a kid who messes everything up, showing he acknowledges/believes the problem to be himself.
  • He changed his mind and went to the Portorosso Cup to give Luca an umbrella so that he could safely finish the race while in the rain.
  • After Ercole exposed his identity, he told Luca not to get out of the dry spot he was in, and went to confront Ercole, knowing he'd captured at the very best, and killed at the worst, the latter being much more probable.
  • He helps Luca cycle away from Ercole in their desperate attempt to get in the sea and save their lives. Even then, he apologizes to the Portorosso kids he and Luca scared along the way.
  • Despite all the danger, he and Luca went to check on Giulia after she crashed her own bike into Ercole to save their lives, hurting herself in the process.
  • He and Luca, alongside Giulia, stood up to Ercole, and the whole approaching town, affirming Luca and him not to be monsters. Once Massimo took sides with them, and their words were actually taken seriously, a large part of the town gave them a chance to show their true colors and made peace with sea monsters (the ones who didn't being threatened into it by Massimo), with the actions of the three being the reason no more innocent Sea Monsters would ever be hunted again.
  • He sold their Vespa in order to buy Luca a ticket to Genova's school, somewhere he wanted to go a lot, despite wanting to be with him and missing him a lot, he has finally understood that, as a friend, he's got to take into consideration what Luca wants as well.
  • He constantly tried to help Massimo with multiple tasks across Portorosso, and while he fumbled most of them, it is because he recklessly wanted to accomplish them without actual knowledge of how to, wanting to impress Massimo on his own at all costs.
  • After burning down Massimo's boat, he tries to go away in shame, thinking Massimo doesn't want him, and that it would be better for him if he just went away. Once Massimo talked about how conflicts and disagreements could be solved if the two of them talked, their father and son relationship greatly improved, and Alberto helped rebuild the boat.
  • His corrupting qualities were greatly shedded across the movie, with his jealousy being resolved, getting into good terms with Giulia, stopping being a control freak over Luca, and becoming more mature, losing his more jerkish antics.
  • The film has low standards, but Alberto easily passes them, helping redeem sea monsters in the eyes of the public, and attempting to sacrifice his life to protect Luca during the race.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He has arrogant antics, which got shedded throughout the movie, but aren't entirely gone, as shown in Ciao Alberto, when he boasts about how better he is in fish delivering compared to Giulia.
  • He has some quite reckless impulses, going head on for things without considering the consequences, which causes a large part of the film's problems. Ciao Alberto shows that, as he fumbles over his tasks with Massimo, this trait isn't fully shedded either, and ends up going uncorrected until the end of the short.

External Links[]


           PIXAR Near Pure Goods

Woody | Little Green Men | Marlin | Coral | Mr. Incredible | Violet Parr | Frozone | Lightning McQueen | Mater | Remy | M-O | Finn McMissile | Holley Shiftwell | Queen Elinor | Hamish, Hubert, and Harris | Blade Ranger | Fear | Disgust | Arlo | Voyd | Alberto Scorfano | Giulia Marcovaldo | Mei Lee | Buzz Lightyear | Sox | Ember Lumen

See Also
Disney Near Pure Goods | Cars Near Pure Goods
