Aladdin is the titular main protagonist of Disney's 31st full-length animated feature film of the same name, its 1996 sequel Aladdin and King Of Thieves, the 1994 animated series, and the titular deuteragonist of the 1994 sequel Aladdin and the Return of Jafar.
He was voiced by Scott Weinger, with Brad Kane doing his singing voice.
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His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]
- He has selflessness and a willingness to help everyone.
- Though he was a thief, he only stole to survive, and even willingly gave up a piece of bread to a pair of hungry orphans.
- He saves Jasmine from a street vendor who was about to cut her hand off for stealing and understood her situation.
- Not only promises to free Genie as his third wish, but keeps that promise at the end of the movie.
- Exposed and defeated Jafar's treachery, saving Agrabah in the process.
- Defeats Jafar by taking advantage of his desire for power and traps him in a black magic lamp as punishment for his tyranny against Agrabah.
- Regrets lying to Jasmine to this day and apologized for doing so.
- When Iago returned, he defended him and was the first person to trust him after the parrot saved his life.
- Aladdin shows regret when he thinks he murdered Sa'Luk, even if it was self-defense.
- Risked everything to save his father's life in the third film showing how much he cares for him.
- Regretted thinking Hercules kidnapped Abu and teamed up with him to rescue Icarus and Abu.
What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]
- While he shed most of his corrupting qualities after the first movie, he still has a few moments of arrogance in the sequels and TV series.
- He and Beast are the only protagonists from the Disney Renaissance to be Near Pure Good, as the rest of them are full on Pure Goods.
- He is one of 2 versions of Aladdin to be Near Pure good, the other being his 2019 live action counterpart
External Links[]
- Aladdin on the Heroes Wiki
- Aladdin on the Disney Wiki
- Aladdin on the Aladdin Wiki
- Aladdin on the Kingdom Hearts Wiki
- Aladdin on the Love Exalted Wiki