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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Aja Tarron is a major protagonist in the Tales of Arcadia franchise, serving as a minor protagonist in Trollhunters, the main protagonist of 3Below, a mentioned character in Wizards, and a major protagonist in the film finale Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans.

She is the Queen-in-Waiting of the planet Akridion-5, forced into exile on Earth with her brother Krel and bodyguard Varvatos Vex when General Morando launches a coup and overthrows her parents. She is also Steve Palchuk's girlfriend.

She is voiced by Tatiana Maslany.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • She saves a child from being crushed by rubble during General Morando's coup.
  • Unlike Krel and Varvatos Vex, she never started out as xenophobic or jerkish to Earth and humanity.
  • She suggests that they go out in their human disguises to find the Daxial Array needed to fix the Mothership, which Vex and Krel reluctantly agree to.
  • She tells a half-truth to Señor Uhl about Morando invading "their country" and "breaking" their parents (in reality those were droids programmed to look like stereotypical 50's parents) so Senor Uhl doesn’t call social services when parent-teacher conferences go horribly wrong.
  • She distracts Steve so Krel can read Eli's mind to find out if Eli had been spying on them.
  • She defends Krel from Steve Palchuk's bullying.
  • She uses a boombox to destroy the Skelteg infestation at school along with her brother.
  • She saves Varvatos Vex from the Zeron Brotherhood.
  • She saves Jim Lake Jr. from Porgon.
  • She uses her Serrator to shield Team 3Below and Team Trollhunters from Porgon's time loop that erases their memory.
  • She convinces Varvatos Vex not to stop them from going to school to stay in the Mothership.
  • She repairs their fake parents with Krel and names them Ricky and Lucy.
  • She agrees to go on a date with Steve even though he bullied her brother before.
  • She redirects lightning which combined with her brother making a capacitor so that Team Trollhunters can capture lightning in a bottle.
  • She uses the aluminum foil Steve gave her to break out of her handcuffs and Krel's.
  • She rescues Steve Palchuk and defeats Zeron Omega.
  • She tells Steve her secret identity as an alien.
  • She tells Steve and Zeron Omega to run as the ship is about to crash on them (Zeron Omega doesn't make it though).
  • She stops Krel from killing Varvatos Vex after he was revealed to have betrayed their parents, and instead banishes him as punishment.
  • She decides to leave Earth immediately and return to fight Morando on Akridion-5 since school ended but agrees to accompany her brother to the Battle of the Bands first.
  • She saves the Creepslayerz (Steve and Eli) from goblins during the Eternal Night.
  • She saves her parent's cores from the OMEN.
  • She defeats the OMEN and prevents the Mothership from self-destructing, saving her brother, Zadra, and Stuart from death. This also frees the Mothership and blanks from their brainwashing.
  • She forgives Varvatos Vex for betraying her family and tries to convince Krel and Zadra to find out where Varvatos is, but they refuse out of hatred for his betrayal.
  • She apologizes to Zadra for sneaking out.
  • She comforts Krel and tells him that feeling sympathy for Varvatos isn’t wrong and they should rescue him from the moon.
  • She rescues Varvatos Vex from the moon.
  • She warns Tronos that Agent Kubritz will betray him just for being an alien, even though Tronos tried to kill Aja she still gives him genuine advice.
  • She acquires an anti-vortex siphon to allow Krel to finish the wormhole to go home
  • She refuses to believe that Gwendolyn is as evil as Stuart says and tells him that she probably just wants closure in their relationship.
  • She arranges a dance triple date with her and Steve, Varvatos, and Nancy accompanying Stuart and Gwendolyn.
  • She agrees to help Agent Kubritz save the Earth/humanity from an asteroid if Kubritz stops hunting them.
  • She apologizes to Tronos Madu for her parents letting his planet get destroyed and convinces him to power the cannon to destroy the asteroid, saving humanity.
  • She tries to go back and rescue Tronos Madu after Kubritz betrayed them.
  • She finds Luug after he ate Krel's wormhole generator and begins teleporting around town.
  • She duels General Morando and informs the rest of the team that he is on Earth.
  • She discovers the location of Gaylen's Core with her brother.
  • She opens the Gaylen's Core chamber by reading the Akridion part while AAARRRGGHH!!! reads the Trollish part.
  • She fights off the now god-like Morando to buy time for her brother to send in the Akridion resistance through the wormhole.
  • She redeems Colonel Kubritz.
  • After Krel's plan to send in the Resistance fails, she and her brother were willing to sacrifice themselves to power Seklos' cannon to defeat Morando so their parents wouldn't have to since the cannon had to be powered by two Akridion life cores.
  • She saves the universe and defeats Morando with her brother using Seklos' cannon.
  • She thanks everybody for helping her and Krel assimilate on Earth in a speech to Arcadia.
  • She goes back to Akridion-5 to take her place as Queen after her parent's death and agrees to let Eli come with her and Varvatos Vex.
  • She returns from Akridion-5 with Eli to help in stoping Bellroc and Skrael and saving the universe.
  • She helps Jim pull out Excalibur with the rest of the Guardians of Arcadia.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • In the finale of 3Below, she gets unreasonably angry at Varvatos for planning to sacrifice her parents to power Seklos' cannon even though it was the only way to save the universe from General Morando as the cannon needed royal Akridion cores. She banishes Vex and calls him a traitor even though he was just following his duty to protect her and Krel and save the universe. Even when Vex comes back to buy enough time for her parents to sacrifice themselves to power the cannon, Aja never apologizes or even admits she was wrong.


  • She is the only Tales of Arcadia Near Pure Good to be an extraterrestrial, as all the other Near Pure Goods are either human or from magical origin.

External Links[]


           TLA logo Near Pure Goods

Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Vendel | Merlin | Aja Tarron | Deya the Deliverer

           UniversalLogo Near Pure Goods

Animated Features
Joseph | Rocky Rhodes | Oscar | Princess Brietta | Wallace | RJ | Verne | Prince Antonio | Princess Liana | Coraline Jones | Wybie Lovat | Ginormica | Aramina | Donkey | Princess Fiona | Megamind | Soothsayer | Delancy Devin | The Once-Ler | The Lorax | Nicholas St. North | E. Aster Bunnymund | Lucy Wilde | Bob | Andie | Stoick the Vast | Astrid Hofferson | Fishlegs Ingerman | Alex | Shaun the Sheep | Mantis | Max | Gidget | George Beard | Harold Hutchins | Jin | Branch | Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Aja Tarron | Mr. Wolf | Diane Foxington | Puss in Boots | Kitty Softpaws | Donkey Kong | Toad | Grandmamah | Mr. Ping | Zhen | Fink

Live-Action Features
Scout Finch | Martin Brody | Elliott | Emmett Brown | Marty McFly | Alan Grant | Oskar Schindler | Andy Dufresne | Rick O'Connell | Evelyn O'Connell | Maximus Decimus Meridius | Ray Ferrier | Nicholas Angel | Danny Butterman | Sam Witwicky | Bumblebee | Cade Yeager | Gisele Yashar | Owen Grady | Claire Dearing | Chris Washington | Amara Namani | Deputy Frank Hawkins | Chiago Harjo | Mike Schmidt

Animated Television
Bumblebee | Bulkhead | Ratchet | Prowl | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Ahsoka Tano | Riyo Chuchi | R2-D2 | Keith | Pidge | Lance | King Alfor | Coran | Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Aja Tarron | Vendel | Merlin | Erica Wang | Glimmer | Queen Angella | Perfuma | Blue | Yasmina Fadoula | Mae Turner | Brooklynn | Ben Pincus | Deya the Deliverer

See Also
Barbie Near Pure Goods | DreamWorks Near Pure Goods | Jurassic Park Near Pure Goods | Legendary Entertainment Near Pure Goods | Lego Near Pure Goods | Nickelodeon Near Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Near Pure Goods

           Red-netflix-logo-text Near Pure Goods

Animated Features
Katie Mitchell | Rick Mitchell | Linda Mitchell | Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Aja Tarron | Hitch Trailblazer | Pipp Petals | Zipp Storm | Rocky Rhodes | Wallace

Live-Action Features
Hai Phượng | Enola Holmes | Lord Viscount Tewkesbury

Animated Television
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Ahsoka Tano | Riyo Chuchi | R2-D2 | Keith | Pidge | Lance | King Alfor | Coran | Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Aja Tarron | Vendel | Johanna | David | Merlin | Lisa | Sypha Belnades | Erica Wang | Glimmer | Queen Angella | Perfuma | Zubeia | Queen Sarai | Jack Sullivan | Deya the Deliverer | Teela | Maya

Live-Action Television
Eddie Munson | Dustin Henderson | Max Mayfield | Robin Buckley | Jonathan Byers | Lee Cheong-san | Song Jae-ik | Miguel Diaz | Chozen Toguchi

See Also
DreamWorks Near Pure Goods | Marvel Cinematic Universe Near Pure Goods | My Little Pony Near Pure Goods | Sony Pictures Near Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Near Pure Goods

           DreamWorks Logo Near Pure Goods

Animated Features
Joseph | Rocky Rhodes | Donkey | Princess Fiona | Puss in Boots | Oscar | Alex | Wallace | RJ | Verne | Mantis | Mr. Ping | Soothsayer | Ginormica | Astrid Hofferson | Stoick the Vast | Fishlegs Ingerman | Megamind | Kitty Softpaws | Nicholas St. North | E. Aster Bunnymund | Branch | George Beard | Harold Hutchins | Jin | Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Aja Tarron | Mr. Wolf | Diane Foxington | Grandmamah | Zhen | Fink

Live-Action Features
Maximus Decimus Meridius | Ray Ferrier | Ironhide | Bumblebee | Sam Witwicky | Cade Yeager

Animated Television
King Alfor | Coran | Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Aja Tarron | Vendel | Merlin | Erica Wang | Glimmer | Queen Angella | Perfuma | Deya the Deliverer

See Also
20th Century Studios Near Pure Goods | Netflix Near Pure Goods | Paramount Near Pure Goods | Nickelodeon Near Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Near Pure Goods | Universal Studios Near Pure Goods
